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The Enlightenment Unit can be downloaded in parts to teach as stand-alone lessons, or can be downloaded as an entire unit. There are primary and secondary sources throughout the slides, visuals, assignments, writing prompts and much, much more...enjoy!


PART 1 (18 slides) BACKGROUND, includes:

a timeline of ancient --> middle --> modern, a list of key terms and key people, herringbone notes on the Enlightenment, connections to other modern era movements like the Renaissance, Reformation, Age of Exploration, the Columbian Exchange and Scientific Revolution



A map of Europe overview of major philosophers, Adam Smith's capitalism, mercantilism, division of Labor, Marx's communism, a comparison of feudalism, mercantilism, capitalism and communism, evolution of democracy from Greece-->Rome-->Magna Carta-->Enlightenment, info on Rousseau, Montesquieu, Voltaire, John Locke, a map visual AND list of 80+ Enlightenment-inspired revolutions since the late 1700s


PART 3 - Glorious Revolution (20 slides) - including information on: Anglo-Saxon-Jute migration, age of feudalism, the Magna Carta, developments between the Magna Carta (1215) and the Glorious Revolution (1688), details on the fall of King James II and the rise of William III and Mary II, text from the English Bill of Rights (1689), and the Act of Settlement (1701) and more...


PART 4 (22 slides) FRENCH REVOLUTION, includes:

Background and information on France, Louis XIV, Louis XV, Louis XVI, Marie Antoinette, Robespierre, Napoleon, Palace of Versailles, Details on the Three Estates in France, Rousseau and Voltaire's influence on the Revolution, Reign of Terror, Great Fear, Tennis Court Oath, Storming of the Bastille, a Venn Diagram of the American Revolution vs. the French Revolution


PART 5 (23 slides) AMERICAN REVOLUTION, includes:

John Locke's influence on the Declaration of Independence, info on Thomas Jefferson, A comparison of the founding fathers to Enlightenment thinkers, Sides of the Revolutionary War, 11 causes of the American Revolution, a writing prompt evaluating the reasons for the Revolution, a mini-quiz for influences from Locke, Montesquieu, Rousseau, Adam Smith, a mini-quiz for branches of government


PART 5 (13 slides) PHILOSOPHY LESSONS OF THE DAY, includes: 12 separate lessons from the field of philosophy to be used each day during the Enlightenment unit... e.g. 'If a tree falls in the woods and no one is there to hear it, does it make a noise?', the law of non-contradiction, Pascal's Wager, Empiricism vs. Rationalism, etc.

THE ENLIGHTENMENT (ALL 6 PARTS) 100+ Engaging Slides, Guided Notes, & Handouts

  • Grade Level:


  • Pages:

    6 individual resources, including over 100 slides and printable handouts

  • Subject(s):

    History, Medieval/Modern World History

  • Format(s):

    Zip with PowerPoint

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