This download includes all four of the following resources:
* 17 slides of background, fact-vs-fiction, and questions related to the second episode of the Band of Brothers mini-series (Day of Days)
* An 18 slide follow-along map activity showing geographic details and invasion details related to the Allied invasion of Normandy on June 6th, 1944 (D-Day)
* A handout with questions and fact-vs-fiction to follow along with episode 2 of Band of Brothers (Day of Days) in both PDF and MS WORD format
* A blank map handout of Normandy, France to use in the follow-along map activity in both PDF and MS WORD format
***The PowerPoint includes one hyperlink to a battle sequence on YouTube, but the Band of Brothers mini-series is not included
***Google Classroom Compatible (or other digital classroom platform)
Band of Brothers Guide & Normandy "D-Day" Map Activity (35-slide PPT & handouts)
Grade Level:
35 slides, a printable follow-along map, printable video questionsSubject(s):
History, World History, World War 2
Zip with PowerPoint, Word, PDF