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***Google Classroom Compatible – these Microsoft Word documents can also be saved as Google Docs and used in Google or other digital classrooms


***Google Classroom Compatible – these Microsoft PowerPoint files can also be saved as Google Slides and used in Google or other digital classrooms


Each primary source document has guiding, text-dependent questions to help students analyze the text. These resources come from every unit of 7th grade History, are fully editable, and have been designed to fit on one paper for easy printing and copying.


Using Primary Sources throughout the year will also better prepare students for common core and smarter balanced assessments. Each of these unique resources can be downloaded separately, but are offered here at a bundle discount.


This download includes all 40 of the primary source documents listed below...


Seppuku Primary Source

Da Vinci text on painting advice

Machiavelli's The Prince Excerpt

Magna Carta vs. Bill of Rights

Da Vinci Primary Source text on birds and flight

Epic of Sundiata, the Lion King of Mali

Constitution of Prince Shotoku

Rousseau's Social Contract

The Life of Augustus

The Roman Colosseum

Julius Ceasar's Gallic Wars

Life of Charlemagne

Pope Urban II calls to crusade

Pope Leo X Papal Bull against Martin Luther

Newton's Three Laws of Motion

Murasaki Shikibu's Tale of Genji

Mayan Number System

Martin Luther's 95 Theses sample

Martin Luther's Edict of Worms

Learning Iambic Pentameter from William Shakespeare

Kublai Khan's Letter to Japan

Indictment of Galileo

Hernan Cortes Primary Source

King Henry vs. Pope Gregory

Francisco Pizarro Letter

First Correspondence between Japan and the United States

Eye Witness Account of the Battle of Hattin

Excerpt of the Black Death - Varying Reactions to Disaster

Excerpt of the Black Death - Breakdown of Social Order

Excerpt of the Black Death - Signs of Impending Death

Excerpt of the Black Death - Mass Burials

Copernicus on "Revolutions of Heavenly Bodies"

English Bill of Rights vs. U.S. Bill of Rights

Andreus Vesalius excerpt

Voltaire's "A Treatise on Toleration"

Vasco Da Gama description

Magellan's Death eye witness

Christopher Columbus excerpt

Johannes Kepler quotations

Declaration of Independence

40 Primary Sources for 7th grade history (Medieval - Modern) Massive Bundle

  • Grade Level:


  • Pages:

    40 individual resources, each with 1 printable page of text and text-dependent questions

  • Subject(s):

    History, Primary Source, World History, Medieval/Modern History

  • Format(s):

    Zip with Word, PDF

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